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Willis N. Hackney Library

PSY 345: Cognitive Psychology (Browning)

Tips for Evaluating Articles for Relevance

To determine the relevance of a particular article quickly, do the following:
  • Skim the abstract (summary) of the article to help determine relevance.  (Hover over the hourglass icon in EBSCOhost databases to see it from the results list.)
  • Skim the introduction and the conclusion sections of the article to help determine relevance.  (Look at the full text of the article to see these sections.)
  • Skim the subject headings used to describe the article to help determine relevance.  (These are found in the results list and in the individual citation pages for each article.)

Journal Finder

Psychology Scholarly Journal Databases

These databases access scholarly journal articles (peer-reviewed or refereed) and other information sources from the psychology literature, as well as other social sciences. 


Multi-Subject Database (including Psychology)

The following databases access scholarly journals and other articles from a variety of disciplines, including Psychology.

Note:  To limit to peer-reviewed, refereed, or scholarly journals, you must choose one of those options to remove magazine and newspaper articles from your search.

An additional note:  The JSTOR database provides journal articles only in psychology as well as other discipline's journals.  However it ONLY contains older articles by design.  Do not use JSTOR if you are looking for current articles.