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Finding DVDs/Streaming Videos

Searching Hackney Library's Online Catalog to find DVDs

To search for DVDs in our catalog, go to our home page at, and then click on the "Physical Books and Media" link, circled in red below, and type your search term(s) in the box that appears, then click the "Search" button:


You'll see that you have 61 results (circled in red below) of items that have something to do with Alzheimer's disease:


Now you'll want to filter your results so that your results list will contain ONLY DVDs.  To do this, click in the left sidebar on the DVD option (circled in red below) under Format:


Now you have 8 (circled in red) DVDs listed in your results list (notice that "DVD" is indicated under each cover, circled in red below):



Click on the title of any, and it will take you to a more complete record about the DVD, including the title and publication information, circled in aqua:



In addition, the record also contains information about how to locate the DVD in our library in the three-celled table in the middle of the record.  We'll start with the left cell called "Collection," circled in green below:


The "Collection" in our catalog record corresponds to a specific location in our library building.  The AudioVisual Collection is located on the library's second floor, near the elevator. 

To find out where on the shelf within the AudioVisual Collection you would find this DVD, we need to look at the "Shelf Location" cell in the middle of the table, circled in orange below:


The "Shelf Location" contains the Dewey Decimal number (the classification system our library uses) assigned to that item.  You need to write down ALL of the letters and numbers in this cell to be able to find this DVD on the shelf in the AudioVisual Collection. 

Before you go hunting, though, you need one more piece of information; the Status, in the right-hand cell circled in yellow below:


Any status in Green, like this one is, lets you know that this DVD is available (it may say "Available" in green also).  If, however, your status is in Red (such as "Not Available" or "Damaged" or "Lost"), you will know that at least for now, that item is not on the shelf and you will have to find another.

Once your status is green, you can go to the AudioVisual Collection on the second floor, and then find the shelf on which your DVD is shelved (remember to write down ALL of the letters/numbers in the Shelf Location call number, or if you're searching the catalog on your mobile device, take it with you to help you locate the DVD).

Having trouble finding it?  Come down and ask a librarian to help you!