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Using Journal Finder

Journal Finder

Journal Finder is a tool that allows you to locate what, if any, databases contain the full text of articles--and for what date ranges--by searching using the title of the publication in which they appear. 

The name "Journal Finder" is a bit misleading, because not only can you locate the full text of journals, but also the full text of magazines and newspapers as well.

  • Journal Finder is helpful tool because in the course of your research, you may run across a citation (author, date, title, etc., but not the full text) for an article in a journal, magazine, or newspaper, and you want to find the full text of the article itself.
    • This may occur when you spot a citation to an article in a References or Works Cited list in another article or elsewhere, or when you are searching a database in which only the article citation and not the full text of that particular article is included.
  • Journal Finder helps you discover whether another of our databases may contain the full text of the publication in which that article appears.

Use the "Determining availability..." link in the left sidebar to explore how to use Journal Finder.