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Below is an electronic journal article citation from a library database formatted in APA Style; we will take it one element at a time as we rebuild it, looking at each individual element of the citation (you'll see one major difference compared to a print journal citation).
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36(11), 933-951.
Monaghan, R.
Now scroll down to the next section to look at how to format the year of publication.
Let's look now at the publication date, and how that is handled in the APA citation:
Monaghan, R. (2013).
Now go to the next section to see how the title of the article is formatted in APA style.
Now let's look at the article title:
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom.
Now scroll down to the next section to see how the title of the journal in which this article appears is formatted.
Now we'll take a look at the journal title (including the volume and issue numbers, and page numbers):
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism,
Notice 4 things about the the journal title:
Scroll to the next section to learn about the volume and issue numbers, and what they mean.
Let's look now at the volume number, 36, and the issue number, 11:
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36(11),
Now let's scroll down to the next section to learn about formatting the page numbers.
Now let's take a look at how to format the page numbers on which this article in the issue of this journal appears:
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36(11), 933-951.
Note that when formatting page numbers for your References list in APA Style, you
If this were a print article or an electronic database article without a DOI number that we were citing, you would now be finished. But since it was published in electronic format and has a DOI number, you have one more step. Scroll down to the next section to learn what that is...
Many articles in electronic format are assigned a unique DOI number to make it easier to find online (DOI stands for "Digital Object Identifier"). If your e-article has a DOI number, you must include it in your citation. Our example article does have a DOI:
Monaghan, R. (2013). Not quite terrorism: Animal rights extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 36(11), 933-951.
Now that you are comfortable with creating Reference page citations for both books and articles, in both print and electronic format, we will turn to how to create the corresponding in-text citations (the shortcuts in your paper that refer to these longer, complete reference citations), in Step 7. Click on Step 7 (below right or in the left sidebar) now.