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EDU 223: Learners and Learning in the 21st Century

Search for Books/E-books


 - Search the Barton Library Online Catalog for books and e-books

Tip: Remember that you may need to search the online catalog using only one keyword (such as immigration) or phrase (such as gun control), or a broader term to find book sources on your topic. If you are too specific when searching the library catalog, you may get zero hits; if that happens, keep it more broad and try again using only one keyword.  (For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)


 - Search ebrary to search the full text of 80,000+ e-books--our largest e-book collection

Tip:  When searching ebrary, you can be much more specific in your search and use several keywords at a time since it searches every word of every single e-book in the many thousands in its collection.  (For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)


  Search eBooks on EBSCOhost  (to search the full-text of thousands of e-books)

Tip: When searching eBooks on EBSCOhost, you can be much more specific in your search and use several keywords at a time since it searches every word of every single e-book in the thousands in its collection.  (For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)