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The ​Journal Finder tool will identify journals, magazines, and newspapers to which Hackney Library has full text access.
(For access to Journal Finder from off campus, log in with your Barton username and password.)
In the search boxes at the top, type in your terms in separate boxes on separate lines (e.g., Shakespeare in one, criticism in the next; or Shakespeare in one, interpretation in the next, or Romeo and Juliet in one, criticism in the next, or Romeo and Juliet in one, interpretation in the next). You may also want to search using a theme or character's name as well.
The following databases include literary critiques among many other things in journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. To search them for literary critiques, search for the author/poet, and/or the title of that person's work, PLUS the term "criticism" or the term "interpretation." (In some of these, you will need to limit to "peer reviewed," "scholarly," or "refereed" to find only journal articles. In others, such as JSTOR, they may contain only journal articles, and therefore there is no need to limit.)
To search for resources by the discipline(s) they cover (e.g., Business, Education, History, Psychology, etc.), by type (books, e-books, magazine articles, primary sources, etc.), by the vendor who provides them (EBSCO, ProQuest, LexisNexis, etc.), or by title alphabetically (e.g., JSTOR, ERIC, ABI-INFORM, etc.), click on the following link: