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Citation Help--APA, MLA , SBL, AMS, ACS, and CSE Styles

This guide explains what citations are and why they're necessary, providing tools and examples for citing sources properly in APA, MLA, SBL, and AMS styles. It also provides access to resources explaining plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Welcome to the Citation Help LibGuide for A Variety of Styles!

In the left sidebar (you may need to scroll to see them all):
  • The Citations? What? Why? How? section and its sub-categories explain what citations are (with examples), why you need to use proper citations, and tips for how to create them.

  • The Avoiding Plagiarism section contains resources that explain what plagiarism is, and how you can avoid it.

  • The APA Style Resources section gives you information and suggested sources of help for citing in APA Style (often used in the nursing, education, and social sciences disciplines).

  • The MLA Style Resources section does the same for MLA Style (often used for English/Spanish and other humanities disciplines).

  • The ACS Style Resources section provides links to resources for formulating citations in this style from the American Chemical Society.

  • The AMS Style Resources section provides links to tips for proper citation in the American Mathematical Society style (used in mathematics).

  • The Chicago Manual of Style section provides links to resources with suggestions and examples of citations in CMS style.

  • The CSE Style Resources section provides links to resources to help formulate the citation style developed for scientists by the Council on Science Editors.

  • The SBL Style Resources link also provides links to assist in proper citation in Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) Style (used in religion).

In addition, the Library faculty will be happy to help you individually with crafting your citations. 

And don't forget about the online helps suggested on the APA and MLA Style Resource tabs and on our web page.

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