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ENG 231: Survey of American Literature I

Request Items via Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service we provide that allows students, faculty, and staff to obtain books and articles from other libraries that Hackney Library does not own. Requests are usually free, and the lending library will send the book or article article to us to loan or give to you.

Because these items come from other libraries, there may be a delay of 7 - 10 business days before interlibrary loans are received. It is best to request interlibrary loans well in advance of the time a paper or project is due.

Because requested items can take up to 7-10 days to arrive, for fastest access, we recommend that you search for the Journal Title in the box below to see if we have access to the journal you want here at Barton before requesting a journal article via Interlibrary loan.

It is even more important to return books obtained over Interlibrary Loan on or before the due date than books borrowed from our library.  If you keep Interlibrary Loan items past their due date, you can prevent all Barton patrons from being able to get any other items from the lending library from which we borrowed your item.

Fill out your request for an Interlibrary Loan using the following form.  Please do not submit the same book twice.  You will receive an email from the library within a few days of your submission if we are not able to fulfill your request.  If we are able to get the book, you will not receive an email from the library until it is ready for pickup, which could take 7 - 10 business days.