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To search for resources by the discipline(s) they cover (e.g., Business, Education, History, Psychology, etc.), by type (books, e-books, magazine articles, primary sources, etc.), by the vendor who provides them (EBSCO, ProQuest, LexisNexis, etc.), or by title alphabetically (e.g., JSTOR, ERIC, ABI-INFORM, etc.), click on the following link:
Use Journal Finder to discover whether or not we have the full text of a journal, magazine, or newspaper in the date range that you need. Type the title of the journal or other publication in the box below, and if we have it full text in a database or more, you will see the names listed there, along with the date range of the full-text coverage within each. Click on the database that has what you need, and then navigate by year, then issue, then page number to find your article.