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FYS 101: Finding a Book via Hackney Library's Catalog

This guide will help FYS "expert" students explain to their classmates how to use the library's home page and catalog to identify a book, locate it in the collection, and where to check it and other materials out.

Welcome to Hackney Library's Finding a Book via Hackney Library's Catalog Workshop!

Through this online workshop, you will learn how to find the Hackney Library's home page, use the library's catalog on the home page to find a print book, learn where in the library the book is located in the library, and finally where and how to check it out.  This guide will walk you through how to do all of these things. 

Why does this matter?  Because when you are looking for scholarly information for a class assignment that is comprehensive (in both depth and breadth regarding your topic) and places your topic in context of what research has gone before and where it needs to head in the future, a book is a good choice of information source.

Tip:  Note that the library's catalog DOES NOT contain electronic resources, like e-books, streaming videos, online articles, etc.; it only contains items that are physically housed in the library building.  (Those e-resources are found in other library tools.) 

Use the links on the left sidebar or at the bottom right in sequence to guide you through the process of identifying and locating a relevant book.