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FYS 101: Finding a Book via Hackney Library's Catalog

This guide will help FYS "expert" students explain to their classmates how to use the library's home page and catalog to identify a book, locate it in the collection, and where to check it and other materials out.

Checking Out Your Book

Now that you have found your book, you must check it out to take it with you outside the library.  (Note that you may use books and other items within the library without checking them out.)

To check it out:

  • Take your book to the Circulation Desk, located on the first floor of the library (the big rectangular desk located near the front door).  You must use your Barton ID/badge to check out materials. 
  • Take your book and your ID to the desk and hand them to the attendant there.  They will check it out for you.  Typical lending periods are for 28 days, and most items can be renewed at least once if no one else has placed a hold on them.  The library worker will tell you when it is due. 
  • They will also desensitize the book before you leave so you don't set off the anti-theft alarm when you leave the building with the book.

Now scroll down to the next section for a quick review...


Summing It All Up

Congratulations!  You have now learned how do all the following:

  • Locate the library's home page at
  • Locate the library catalog ("Physical Books and Media"), and search it for items on your topic
  • Filter your results to include only print books by clicking on the "Book" link under "Format" in the left sidebar of your search results screen
  • Click on the title of the book you want to find to go to a more detailed record about that book
  • Read the catalog record to identify the Collection (location in the library), the Shelf Location (Dewey Decimal Number) within the Collection, and the Status (to make sure it is available on the shelf)
  • Write down the author/title, the collection (remember that many of our materials are located in the General Collection on the second floor), and the complete call number, and take that information with you to find the book on the shelf, using the signs on the ends of the shelf ranges to help you.
  • Check out your book by retrieving it and taking it to the Circulation Desk on the first floor, along with your Barton ID.
  • And remember, anytime you get stuck or can't find the book or other item you're looking for, come find a librarian to help you!

Now, go to Step 8 in the left sidebar or at the bottom right to take the Assessment for completing this Bulldog Skills Workshop.  (You MUST complete and post the assessment to receive complete credit for completing this workshop!)