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Greenfield Upper School Students

This is a guide to assist Greenfield Upper School students conducting research.


Welcome to the LibGuide for Greenfield Upper School Students!

In the left sidebar:

  • The Home section provides basic information about Greenfield students' use of Hackney Library, including the contract that must be signed by all parties, use of computers in Hackney Library, on-campus parking instructions, circulation policies, etc.
  • For help in creating your own Research Plan, see the Creating a Research Plan section.  This tab includes a link to the example Research Plan used in the library orientation, as well as a link to blank plan that you can download and use with your own topics.
  • The Book/e-Book Sources section contains information about searching the library catalog for books and e-books, as well as searching the e-book database directly.
  • The Magazine Articles section contains tips for quickly evaluating relevant articles, databases for finding journal articles, and information on how to locate the full text of articles in journals, etc. (Journal Finder)
  • The News and Newspaper Articles section includes many sub-tabs under it; on them you'll find a number of databases and web sites that provide access to newspapers around the world, both current and historical, and some focusing on particular subjects (such as business or North Carolina).
  • The Interlibrary Loan section explains how we can borrow materials from other libraries for your use.
  • The MLA Style Resources section contains tools to help you formulate your citations in MLA style.

If at any time you need assistance with your research, feel free to contact any reference librarian who is on duty in the library.  You also have access to help via telephone (252-399-6502) and via email (

Circulation Policies

  • Use your library card to check out materials.
  • You may check out up to 10 items at a time.
  • Return your materials on time.
  • Check out periods are usually for 28 days, with a few exceptions.
  • You must bring your library item(s) and card with you to renew items. (Maximum of two renewals allowed.)
  • Fines accrue at the rate of .05 cents per day.
  • Overdue notices will be emailed to you, so please pay attention to the "Courtesy Notice"s that you may receive in your email alerting that you have something due soon, or something overdue.

For more information about our circulation policies, see our circulation policies page.

Computer Use in Hackney Library

Computer privileges and printing services are currently limited to Barton faculty, students, and staff due to limited availability of computers.

Hardwired Computers:

Greenfield Upper School students can use the library's hardwired computers, but they must be logged in by a librarian.  Stop at the circulation or reference desks for assistance.

Library Laptops:

Greenfield students are permitted to use the library's netbooks (laptops), which can be checked out for use in the library at the circ desk but need to be logged in by a librarian.

Personal Laptops:

Students may bring their own laptops for use on our wireless network.  Log on to the BC Indoor Guest network, and accept the user policy.  There is no password for this wifi network.

Off-Campus Access to Online Books and Articles

As a member of Hackney Library's borrowing community, you are permitted access to its online resources from off campus with a Barton login. The Barton username and password required for you to access online materials when not on campus is located on the back of your Barton library card.