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Finding Articles Using One-Search (Summon)

This guide will teach you everything you need to know about finding scholarly research and articles using the One-Search Tool

What is One-Search (Summon)?

summon explanationSummon is a search engine that provides credible, relevance ranked results from the library’s online collections in a single search.  It is called "One-Search" on our library pages to indicate its ability to search multiple databases and sources all at once with a single search.

One-Search searches through a massive collection of e-books, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, theses and dissertations, conference proceedings, and numerous academic databases.

Consider using One-Search search when you might otherwise search Google Scholar or a research database like Academic Search Complete.  Because it is sometimes hard to customize a search using One-Search, it is not intended to entirely replace these other search tools where you have more control over your search, but it may be a good place to start to determine how much information is available on your topic.

One-Search (Summon) Highlights

A single search

Provides a Google-like search experience, allowing researchers to use one search box to discover credible and reliable library content.

Links to full-text

Incorporates the comprehensive knowledge of your library's holdings so that researchers can access their results including full-text of electronic articles.

Results refinement

Easily navigate and narrow search result sets using multiple methods, such as filtering, faceting and sorting. Including Full Text and Peer-Reviewed filters.

Citation formatting

Quickly cut and paste citations in your preferred style (after double-checking them against a trusted example first!).

"Did you mean?" suggestions

The intuitive Summon™ tool provides alternative guidance for misspellings or low yield queries.