Let's say your search was for "cultural history of childhood" (remember that the Search Tip under the Basic Searching link in the left sidebar indicates that using double quote marks (" ") around your search phrase keeps those words next to each other in the order you type them; this makes your search results more relevant).
See the search results for the phrase "cultural history of childhood' from a variety of sources, including articles, ebooks, and more, below:
- The search phrase is circled in yellow
- The number of results, 101, is circled in green
- The results are usually sorted in order of relevance, although you can click in the dropdown arrow (highlighted in purple) and re-sort by date (oldest to newest, or newest to oldest), by author, and by title
- Tools to provide a permanent link, a citation, to email, or save each article are highlighted in aqua
- The link to the full text of the article is highlighted in red

To learn how to further tweak your results, click on the Refining Results link in the left sidebar.