Use the "Journal Finder" tool to identify whether or not a database (or databases) contain(s) an article in the full text. (Note that despite the word "Journal" in its title, this tool can actually locate a full text article from a journal, from a magazine, or from a newspaper). Follow the steps below to:
- 1) determine whether the full text of a journal, magazine, or newspaper is available, and if so, in which databases and on which dates; and
- 2) locate a specific full-text article within that periodical. Note: If your article is NOT available in the full text from our databases, you will need to request it from another library via our Interlibrary Loan service.
1) Determine whether a journal, magazine, or newspaper is available in the full-text, and for what dates:
- To locate the "Journal Finder" tool use the link in the column to the left, or click on Research for Class in the header of the library's home page ( circled in red in the screenshot below, and select the Journal Finder link (under the Articles column, circled in yellow):

- In the drop-down menu illustrated below, Click the "Periodical Titles Only" option (circled in yellow) to eliminate other kinds of publications. Then under "Search by Title or Identifier (ISSN/ISBN)," click on the drop down arrow (circled in green) and choose either "Title begins with," "Title equals," or "Title contains all words" and then type in the title of the magazine, journal, or newspaper for which you're searching for the full text (in this case, Scientific American is the magazine being sought):

- In the screen shot below, you'll see that there are 8 entries in which the title begins with the words Scientific American. The first one, highlighted in blue below, is the one we're looking for. Notice that Journal Finder tells you that Scientific American is available in the full text in several databases, with different dates of full-text coverage. From 01/01/2007 to the present (current issue), it's available in the full text in several databases. Click on one of the database names to begin navigating within that database to the specific article, or to search the full text articles in Scientific American (make sure that the date of the article you are looking for falls within the date range of the full text within the database you choose):

2) Locate a specific full-text article within that periodical (that is, journal, magazine, or newspaper):
- To navigate to a specific article, once you're in the database you've chosen (in the case of this example, Academic Search Complete), navigate first by the year of the article you want to see in the full text by clicking on the year in the column illustrated below on the right (in this case, 2016 under "All Issues"):

- Then you'll navigate by clicking on the volume/issue number (usually the month/year of the issue); in this example, it is Vol. 315 Issue 5 Nov2016 highlighted in blue below:

- You will now see a list of a portion of the 36 (circled in yellow) full-text articles published in that particular issue of Scientific American's Nov 2016 issue, illustrated below:

- These are listed within each issue usually by page number, starting with the lowest page numbers and ascending to the highest page numbers; scroll through until you find your article, and click on its title. Doing so will take you to the screen illustrated below with the full-text link, either PDF or HTML (circled at the left in red), that allows you to actually read the article in the full text:

Here is the full text of the article in HTML format: