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Search the Library Catalog for Print Books:
Remember that searching the catalog for book sources may require you to search more broadly. Combine your search for the author whose work(s) you're researching with the term "criticism" or "interpretation." (You can also search the title of a specific work--see Example 3.) Doing so will bring up books and other items about the author's work(s) rather than the works themselves (such as the plays of Shakespeare):
Example 1: Shakespeare AND criticism,
Example 2: Shakespeare AND interpretation
Example 3: Midsummer Night's Dream AND interpretation (or you can use the term criticism here)
(For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)
Search the full text of thousands of e-books within each of these e-book databases.
When searching eBooks on EBSCOhost, you can be much more specific in your search and use several keywords at a time since it searches every word of every single e-book in the thousands in its collection. For example, you may want to search for the author's name, the title of a specific work, and the term "criticism" or "interpretation" to make sure you're getting e-books about the works, not the works themselves:
Example 1: Shakespeare AND Romeo and Juliet AND Criticism
Example 2: Shakespeare AND Romeo and Juliet AND Interpretation
(For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and passw
Tip 1:
When searching Ebook Central, you can be much more specific in your search and use several keywords at a time since it searches every word of every single e-book in the thousands in its collection. For example, you may want to search for the author's name, the title of a specific work, and the term "criticism" or "interpretation" to make sure you're getting e-books about the works, not the works themselves: Note that in this database, the default setting is to "OR" the terms, not "AND" them together, which means you will need to include "AND" between each of your terms in the Basic search box to find books that include ALL of your terms, not just one or a few.
Example 1: Shakespeare AND Romeo and Juliet AND Criticism
Example 2: Shakespeare AND Romeo and Juliet AND Interpretation
Tip 2:
You may also want to limit your results under "Subject" in the left sidebar of your results screen to "literary criticism / shakespeare" to eliminate other kinds of works relating to Shakespeare. You often have to open the e-book and search within it to find where it discusses this particular play of Shakespeare's (or look in the contents or index).
(For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)