Other Online Resources for English/Spanish: The resources on this page consist of databases containing information other than articles (such as the full text of poetry, diaries, and letters, etc.) and web sites (some scholarly, some not) that might prove helpful for research. For web sites, always consult your instructor to make sure they'll be acceptable for scholarly research. The content of this tab is sub-divided in the following ways:
In the left sidebar:
- The Literature, Poetry, Criticism Resources section provides links to full-text poems, primary sources such as letters and diaries, links to children's literature, and literary criticism web sites.
- The Film Resources section provides tools and links to both view streaming films and find critiques and other information concerning them.
- The Language Resources section provides links to online resources relating to English and foreign languages.
Click either on the above links for these sections, or click on the links in the sidebar to access the specific resources within each.