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Search our online catalog (the same tool as the One-Search link on our library home page -- -- in the search box below for print books.
Remember that you may need to search the online catalog using only one keyword (such as immigration) or phrase (such as gun control), or a broader term to find book sources on your topic. If you are too specific when searching the library catalog, you may get zero hits; if that happens, keep it more broad and try again using only one keyword. Or search one of the e-book databases individually, which allows you to search every word of every book, and therefore allows you to use more than one keyword.
Although you can search the library catalog for eBooks as well as many other things (and while eBooks do still show up in a Summon search that searches everything we own), the best way to search for eBooks is by searching each eBook database itself individually. One of the reasons is that by doing so, the eBook databases are able to search every single word of every single eBook for the terms you input. This allows you to find very specific information or otherwise-hard-to-locate information, which you might not be able to do otherwise. Several eBook databases that have eBooks on a variety of topics are listed in the box below.
When searching eBook databases, you can be much more specific in your search than you can searching our catalog for print books, and you can use several keywords at a time since they search every word of every single e-book in the many thousands in its collection.
You can also usually print, save, or email a certain number of pages from each eBook (usually a percentage of the total length of the book).
(For access to e-books from off campus, log in with your Barton network username and password.)
The ABC-CLIO E-book Collection is a database of e-books focusing on history and literature. The database is browseable by title, subject, author, and publication year. It includes e-books from these series (formerly listed on our web page as individual databases by the same names): Daily Life Through History, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Authors, Historic Events of the 20th Century, Literature in Context, as well as American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography.
formerly Greenwood Digital Collection
The ABC-CLIO E-book Collection is a database of e-books focusing on history and literature. The database is browseable by title, subject, author, and publication year. It includes e-books from these series (formerly listed on our web page as individual databases by the same names): Daily Life Through History, Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Authors, Historic Events of the 20th Century, Literature in Context, as well as American Slavery: A Composite Autobiography.
formerly Greenwood Digital Collection