Service Alert
(Because of subscriber restrictions, these tools will require a Barton login for off campus access.)
(Please note that in addition to publishing research articles [the reports of research], scholarly, peer-reviewed journals sometimes publish other kinds of articles, such as book reviews, editorials, and short news stories. Research articles are usually distinguishable by a lengthy list of references at the end.)
Search the following general databases individually for current articles published in academic journals on many different topics. (You will need to limit to "peer reviewed," "scholarly," or "refereed" to find only journal articles in these databases, as they contain articles from other kinds of publications like newspapers and magazines.)
(Because of subscriber restrictions, these tools will require an IB Barton login for off campus access.)
Search the following general databases individually for full-text archival (older) articles published in academic journals on many different topics (these databases do not contain current articles, they are always several years behind). You will not need to limit to "peer reviewed," "scholarly," or "refereed" to find only journal articles, because these databases contain only journal articles.
(Because of subscriber restrictions, these tools will require an IB Barton login for off campus access.)
To find discipline- or subject-specific article databases (among other things), click on the link below for a list of Subject Guides, then choose the subject (e.g., Psychology), and then click on the "Articles" link in the left sidebar. There, you will find suggested databases that are specific to that particular subject.
To search for resources by the discipline(s) they cover (e.g., Business, Education, History, Psychology, etc.), by type (books, e-books, magazine articles, primary sources, etc.), by the vendor who provides them (EBSCO, ProQuest, LexisNexis, etc.), or by title alphabetically (e.g., JSTOR, ERIC, ABI-INFORM, etc.), click on the following link: