The Barton College Archives houses significant non-current institutional records--written, photographic and audio/visual--which document the history of the College, and other memorabilia. Records in the College Archives document the founding and early history of the College and the institution's record of service since 1902. In addition to the official records of the College, the Archives also collects important, non-official materials that document the work of the institution that are not created by the College itself. Hackney Library further collects books and other publications written or edited by Atlantic Christian College/Barton College faculty, staff and alumni.
A Message About College Publications
Libraries exist to preserve a record of human history and behavior, among other purposes. Colleges and universities exist to help students and scholars understand human history and behavior. Many aspects of human life can be disagreeable or offensive. Accordingly, the collections of the library may include some offensive materials because they are part of the human record. The existence of these materials do not indicate an endorsement of the materials themselves or the perspectives that led to their creation. Nor do those materials indicate the current state or views of Barton College. If you have questions or concerns about the materials in the collections of Hackney Library, please contact Collections and Access Services Librarian, Rich Fulling at rfulling@barton.edu.