Once you have a list of results, to access any of the articles in your list, click on the article's title (highlighted in aqua below):
When you click on the title to citation #3 above, for example, a separate tab will open, taking you out of One-Search and into the database where that article resides. To see the full text of the article in this database from ProQuest, click on the "Full Text - PDF" tab (circled in orange) and the full text PDF (highlighted in yellow) appears on that tab:
There are also tools within most databases that allow you to manipulate the article in a variety of ways:
- Download it
- Create a citation in a variety of styles (be careful to compare these to an example you trust, as you often have to make corrections)
- Email it to yourself (in a particular citation style)
- Print it, and more
In this ProQuest database, these tools are located on the right side opposite the title (highlighted below in orange):